Winnington Park Community Primary School


Our uniform at Winnington Park is simple but smart. We believe there is a close connection between children feeling correctly dressed and their general behaviour and attitude to school work. School uniform also helps to develop the important aspect of “belonging”. Young people today are very aware of “image”, too, and by encouraging them to take a pride in their school uniform we believe we raise their self-confidence. Clear guidelines for school uniform are also helpful to parents. They remove the pressure on parents to buy fashionable – and usually more expensive! – clothing.

Jewellery, such as ear-rings, bracelets, rings and necklaces, should not be worn to school. Such items can be the cause of accidents, get lost, or cause pressure on others to follow fashion. Only single ear studs are acceptable. Watches are expensive to replace, and we would ask you to think twice before allowing your child to wear one to school.

Appropriate footwear is particularly important in school. Shoes should be plain, black and low-heeled. Some fashionable shoes are also particularly unsuitable as they can lead to accident- for example, jelly shoes, strappy sandals, clogs and platform-soled shoes.

All clothing and equipment should be clearly named so that lost items can be returned quickly to their owners. Children are expected to have a responsible attitude towards the safe-keeping of their belongings at all times.

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